Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bra Boys, Archy, Fitty-Fitty, and more Shredda DVDs are in!!, Sundown's DVD Collection and Movie Review

Fresh out of the Box Sundown just got in some quality surf films. I've been an active surf film collector for over 20 years now. My library is now reaching the 400 mark. I have to say this is the golden era in surf film making. Never before has such a wide array and range of films have ever been put out. The quality just keep getting better and the bar is raised each year. I'm currently involved in helping to organize the New York Surf Film Festival and to be honest, I have never watched so many surf movies in such a short amount of time. Amongst a lot of the films that I have been viewing, for me, the one that sticks out the most is The Archy movie! It's rare that you get a pro surfer be candid and honest about their difficulties and it's even more rare to find a surf movie where the industry surfers are self critical of the Surf Industry itself. The music is top notch with everything from Bowie to the Buzzcocks! The editing is smooth and works off of a chronological order of events in Archy's life. The surfing... It's Archy, you can't go wrong! For all of those who have strayed to the darkside, or are curious about the less glamorous side of surfing, this movie will have you talking for days after. For the grommets who think Taj or Dane are gods, watch this movie and realize that without Archy, we'd all be surfing three to the beach doing white water floaters and wearing track suits to the beach! Know your roots!!! For the Archy die hards, get ready to quench your thirst for raw radical power surfing!!!
China Ty
Sundown Surf Shop 516-796-1565

And if your looking for something else, Sundown just got in the special 2 disk edition of Bra Boys!!! Watch Koby, Sunny, and Jai Abberton beat the crap out of police officers and charging some filthy gnarly pits!!!
Also in: Fitty-Fitty: The latest Metalstorm movie following Parko, Dingo and World Champ Mick Fanning on a boat trip in the Mentawais!!! Watch the Coolie Kids schralp the crap out of these perfect waves!!!


JMJ said...

archy...legend...i remember reading an article about him and a line from it got stuck in my mind. from the misfits boat trip (archy, AI, brothers fletcher, casey curtis, art brewer, Bruce, Beschens, wardo, ect...) and one of em said along the lines of... "when we were tring to beat a section- archy was cranking a turn, when we were trying to do a big turn- archy was in the pit...hes just always ahead of the rest..." He deserved this movie a long time ago.

AshHole said...

let me kow about those JC's. I really like the SD model. Any of the performance shortboards in a 6'4 would be perfect.